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[#5] UK perspective: The Art & Science of Creative Event Design

Date: 16th October 2019

Venue: Lecture Theatre 12

This workshop was presented by Professor David Hind, president of Asia Pacific Institute for Events Management (APIEM) where he talks about the event industry that revolves around the art and science of creative event design. APIEM brings together events industry employers and education providers who are committed to establishing high quality courses for students and events professionals who want to develop their skills and abilities to work in the global events industry. 

Professor David began his talk by highlighting the art of creative event design. Creativity Is about making new associates between ideas, see new problem and opportunities that emerge from a discussion of existing ones and think up research that can lead to new knowledge. It is an innovation of ideas and thinking out of the box to allow yourself to think differently. Next point is story telling where stories can transform an entire event. Crafting a story around your event also extends the shelf life of your message as every event should tell a memorable story which is then gets passed around out of excitement. Other than that, events should create extraordinary experiences to develop a long-lasting memory of the event. Events should utilise the 5 sensory sensations to offer outside of the range of normal experience to result in deeper emotional connections and greater brand affinity. The last element is design where visual communication is a much more impactful way to get your point across and the key to setting expectations and mood for an event. For example, an attractive artful map may be used to set the mood for the event as well as more accurately describe the expectations of the site.

Moving on, he highlighted the science of creative event design where digital technology takes place. New technologies at their core, are introducing simple solutions to problems that venues and organizers may face while creating unimagined stress-free experiences for audiences that ooze fun and excitement. iIt has also undergone significant change where events have had to adapt to new trends and changing consumer preferences. Event organisers need to think about the whole event lifecycle to create a memorable event which are pre-event, during the event and post-event. Pre-event is to build anticipation and excitement through the event website, online registration and social media. During the event itself is to create a unique event experience using digitised event registration and an event application. Post-event is where video feedback is utilised to promote future events, having an all year round event application to keep the event conversation going and using social media platforms to communicate regularly with your participants. At the end of the day, not only can digital solutions make events more unique, interesting and deliver new experiences but they can also make it easier and cheaper for organisers to attract attendees.

Through this talk I believe that there isn't much of a difference in terms of events in the United Kingdom in comparison to Malaysia. Besides that, we must get creative with all the resources we can afford including event technology tools in order to make sure that attendees take away something significant and memorable for your event. As mentioned by Professor David, “Events in the future will continue to grow and technology will be used for something we can’t even imagine and conceive of today.”

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