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  • Writer's picturevingkiloh

[#7] Be SMART with your Goals

Updated: Nov 22, 2019

Image Source: focus4digital

People spend their lives moving from one job to another rushing around trying to accomplish more while achieving only a minimum. Setting SMART objectives implies you can break down your thoughts, focus on your efforts, utilize your time and resources efficiently, and increases the odds of accomplishing what you need in life.

"Objectives are not fate, they are direction. They are not commands, they are commitments. They do not determine the future, they are means to mobilize the resources and energies of the business for the making of the future." - Peter F. Drucker

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The CSR campaign that i’ve chosen previously is a collaboration of Star Media Group and Eco World Deve­­lopment Group called #AnakAnakMalaysia Walk 2017, aiming to unite all Malaysians and impart to the younger generation the importance of being together as one and having a sense of belonging to the nation.

What is SMART?

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Let’s understand a little bit more SMART objectives !

Objectives, Strategies and Tactics


References (2018). SMART GoalsHow to Make Your Goals Achievable. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Oct. 2018].

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